#dariahTeach was presented and discussed at the first annual European Association for Digital Humanities Symposium (EADH Day) held at UNED (National University for Distance Education – Open University), and hosted by LINHD in Madrid. The purpose of the EADH Day 2015 was to provide an annual focus for practitioners of Digital Humanities in Europe to network, and to discuss common challenges and opportunities.dariahTeach at EADH Day 2015_picture_1 - copie 2

The dariahTeach project, represented by Tanja Wissik (Austrian Academy of Sciences), and put in discussion with the audience the challenge “How does a DH curriculum make me ready for the job (market)” : which impact could DH have on the current educational landscape, regarding free available open-access and open-source teaching and learning material? Multilingualism was a recurrent topic, and it was appreciated that dariahTeach will provide training material also in other languages than English.