#dariahTeach participated in a workshop focused on how to teach sound and radio in Copenhagen, May 2015.  The workshop was sponsored by the HERA-funded Transnational Radio Encounters. Academic participants included  DIGHUMLAB (Aarhus University), LARM (Copenhagen University),  NL EU-Screen (Utrecht University), Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, London Metropolitan University, and Sunderland University, as well as a number of heritage and archival institutions.

Developing teaching materials for visual media was also discussed within the context of multimodal approaches to teaching, as many tools work across media for time-based resources.The TRE Knowledge Platform database-project provides a wealth of information in this area in which visitors to the site are encouraged to annotate, and share multimodal material in a research environment. dariahTeach was delighted to explore these ideas so early in our project lifecycle and which will help to inform the development of our teaching materials.