Several members of the team have been present at the DARIAH annual meeting in Berlin, 26-27 April 2017: Agiati Benardou, Claire Clivaz, Matej Durco, Marianne Huang and Toma Tasovac.
A poster allowed to us to discuss further steps of #dariahTeach, and to sollicite collaborations. Next next ideas are numerous on our plate: to communicate guidelines, to establish an advisory board, to publish some papers, to find ways to promote the integration of new material on the platform, to organize #dariahTeach training events, etc.
A last Erasmus+ #dariahTeach meeting team in May in Maynooth will allow us to establish our milestones in next months, since our project is on its road to become a DARIAH working group, under the co-lead of Susan Schreibman and Toma Tasovac.
Stay tuned!